BBVA Mexico named the country’s most reputable bank for fourth consecutive year
The Business Monitor of Corporate Reputation (MERCO) recognized BBVA Mexico for fourth year running as the country's most reputable bank. The lender also took sixth place in the overall ranking of companies. In addition, BBVA Mexico vice president and CEO Eduardo Osuna Osuna took sixth in the list of ‘Mexico’s 100 Most Reputable Executives’ published by the same consultancy.

This year, MERCO prepared the latest edition of its yearly rankings based on five assessments with 16 sources of information, and 4,531 surveys among consumers, social media managers, financial and business scholars, consumer associations, unions, managers, financial analysts, financial and business journalists, government officials, NGO representatives and opinion leaders.
Speaking about these recognitions, Irma Acosta, Head of Corporate Responsibility and Reputation at BBVA Mexico, emphasized that, for the institution, reputation is one of its most valuable intangible assets. For this reason, its Responsible Business strategy envisages a number of relevant actions aimed at building its corporate reputation among stakeholders.
She also pointed out a substantial part of the bank’s recognition among stakeholders comes from its commitment to innovation and its drive to lead technological change and being aware and anticipating its customers and clients' needs, rolling out groundbreaking products and solutions that create better opportunities for all.
But it was during the early stages of the COVID-19 healthcare crisis when BBVA Mexico’s leadership drive became particularly relevant. The company played a key role supporting the country’s response to the pandemic, devising and deploying a series of community outreach actions - including ‘Juntos por la salud (Together for Health)', an initiative aimed at providing assistance to frontline doctors -, and ensuring the uninterrupted provision of financial services while safeguarding the health of its employees and customers and the general public.