BBVA Mexico joins the CONDUSEF decalogue to serve senior citizens
With the aim of incentivizing the financial inclusion of senior citizens and creating a personalized user experience, BBVA Mexico is joining the so-called Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users, or CONDUSEF) to adjust its policies, procedures, products and services so that customers can have better interactions with the bank and better management of their finances.

With this certification, BBVA Mexico Insurance and BBVA Health Insurance have adjusted their processes in order to adequately meet the needs of people over the age of 60. The financial group has nearly 4.5 million customers in this age group.

Oscar Rosado (left) president of CONDUSEF, presents the award to Eduardo Osuna (right) Vice President and CEO of BBVA Mexico for his actions in favour of the financial inclusion of senior citizens.
Vice president and country manager of BBVA Mexico, Eduardo Osuna Osuna, stressed that joining this decalogue and service protocol is a sign of the financial institution’s commitment to its customers and to the country, strengthening the financial inclusion of senior citizens with preferential, simplified service and advice that is free of discrimination.
“Many people in this age bracket are customers who have had a relationship with us for many years now,” Osuna added, “That’s why it’s important that we understand their needs and adapt to them. In this regard, the signing of the convention is a permanent commitment to continue evolving our processes and products in order to offer a more inclusive and appropriate service experience.”
BBVA Mexico’s measures for senior citizens
Some of the measures currently being implemented at BBVA Mexico’s more than 1,700 branches include priority service at branches, in effect since July 2022. The executive who receives the customer gives preference to seniors. With this initiative customers have been served in less than 10 minutes at branches. In addition, branch personnel have received training in serving senior citizens at branches, with over 20,000 employees trained.