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Earnings: BBVA reports net profit of €10.1 billion in 2024 (+25 percent)

For yet another year, the bank stood out among comparable European peers for its unique combination of growth of its lending portfolio (14 percent yoy in constant euros), and profitability, with ROTE of 19.7 percent. In 2024 the Group added 11.4 million new customers and channeled €99 billion in sustainable business, reaching the €300-billion¹ goal one year ahead of schedule. Between January and December, BBVA posted a net attributable profit of €10.1 billion, up 25 percent. Earnings per share² saw a higher increase, 28 percent, on the back of a share buyback. Against 2024 earnings, BBVA will pay a cash dividend of €0.70 per share³, 27 percent more than in 2023, and will execute a new share buyback program for €993 million⁴. In total, BBVA will distribute €5.03 billion to its shareholders.

¹Accumulated since 2018.
²Earnings per Share (EPS) figures considering end of period number of shares.
³Of this amount, €0.29 per share were paid in October as interim dividend of 2024. The additional payout of €0.41 per share is subject to the approval by the bank’s governing bodies.
⁴Subject to approval from the bank’s governing bodies and from corresponding regulators.