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14 Dec 2017

For a while after science-fiction was first coined as a term, it seemed like the only thing the genre would be capable of producing would be just that: purely fictional works with no connection to reality. Today, we can already enjoy some of the futuristic innovations featured in some movies a while back, such as virtual reality or artificial intelligence. Which sci-fi movies predicted the future digital era and got it right?

11 Apr 2017

Their survival was one of the greatest achievements in American flight of the 20th Century.  Their mission has been called “the most successful space failure in history.” The Apollo 13 space mission was launched 47 years ago today, on April 11th, 1970. Its crew didn´t know then what their destiny would be, the dangers they would face, or how famous that phrase would become, as it was broadcast and translated – erroneously – around the world. There was even a movie made about their story.

13 Feb 2017

02 Dec 2016

If there is something that unites the BBVA Paraguay team is its members’ passion for the brand. And no other color reflects that passion better than blue.

04 Aug 2016

You may think you can’t afford to travel because of your limited budget.

But you may not be familiar with all the options that apps and the Internet offer, ranging from cost sharing to house swaps.

15 Jul 2016

North or south. This is the geographic reference that people use the most in Chile to define the location of a place within the country. Indeed, geographically, Chile is as long as it is narrow. In fact, it is the longest country in the world (4,329 kilometers or 2,653 miles from north to south), but averages just 180 kilometers from the eastern boundaries defined by the Andes mountain range to its western coast, washed by the immensity of the Pacific ocean. That is why all that is left is north or south.

20 May 2016

If there is a name in Spain that is synonymous with adventure and exploring, it is without a doubt Miguel de la Quadra – Salcedo (born in Madrid on April 30, 1932). He went to the Amazon for the first time in 1960 and that’s where his tireless expedition career began. Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo led a life that could have been lived by three men at once – the athlete, the journalist and the adventurer – but he decided to pack it all into one.  In his work as a reporter for RTVE he directly witnessed the war in Congo, the coup against Salvador Allende in Chile and he was the first journalist to interview Che Guevara’s brother after his death.

23 Apr 2016

Although it took Ruta BBVA more than 27 years to visit Colombia for the first time, the expedition has travelled across Colombia twice in less than four years: First from Cali to Cartagena and then from Cartagena to Bogota. Two editions of an initiation journey that for many years has captured the hearts and minds of the Colombian people. So much so that more than 100 young Colombians have taken part in its 31 editions.

05 Apr 2016

15 Mar 2016

Did you know that the oxygen level at 8,000 meters of altitude is one third the amount of oxygen available at sea level? When the goal is to reach 8,000 meters it is important to be aware that only Mother Nature exists up there. However, the body can go through acclimatization, which is an adaptation process to survive in the conditions of the new environment.

22 Feb 2016

In spring 2016, the BBVA Expedition led by Carlos Soria will help the seasoned climber to take on one of the most ambitious challenges in his career: the “double goal” of crowning the summits of the Annapurna and the Dhaulagiri.

15 Feb 2016

29 Sep 2015

23 Jul 2015

This year’s edition of the BBVA Route, dubbed “An Adventure in the Country of Emeralds”, starts tomorrow with the arrival in Madrid of the 174 participating students from 21 countries, who will embark on a journey that will take them across Spain and Colombia. Now on its 30th edition, the program – directed by Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo –renews its commitment to the Ibero-American youth.

11 Jun 2015

In many cultures 7 is a lucky number. Seven are the days of the week and the seas in the planet. According to the Bible, it took God seven days to create Earth and in Hinduism, there are seven chakras or energy centers in our body. A cat has seven lives; there are seven wonders in the world, seven capital sins, seven colors in the rainbow, seven musical notes and even Snow White befriended seven dwarves.

03 Jun 2015

Only a very special breed of people can make it to the top of the world’s tallest mountains. They are the ones chosen to touch the sky, to see the world at their feet, to reach peaks that stand over 8,000 meters tall, where visibility changes and where views can be as spectacular as scarce is the air for breathing. Carlos Soria is one of these heroes and, in many aspects, a unique one.

18 May 2014

Carlos Soria once again made history by becoming the oldest person to reach the summit of the third highest mountain on the planet. The BBVA Expedition managed to reach the Kanchenjunga peak (8,586 meters) this morning at 9:05 a.m. (5:20 a.m. Spanish time). The team, tired but in good condition, have contacted Base Camp. "This is everyone's summit," the mountain climber from Ávila said. The BBVA Expedition is now resting, back at Camp III (7,550 meters).