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Active life

07 Mar 2022

11 May 2021

10 Aug 2020

Mindfulness is not a passing trend. Its impact and potential go beyond a mere meditation and stress management technique, as it also encompasses a key managerial skill. Mindfulness is something that is being harnessed for both personal and professional reasons on an individual level, but also from the perspective of organizations. This is the case at BBVA, where mindfulness is producing positive results in employee productivity, well-being and leadership, while also supporting the bank’s corporate culture.

30 Jan 2020

12 Nov 2019

23 Oct 2017

Exercising and staying in shape are now easier than ever, thanks to technology. Smartphones, tablets and wearables have burst onto the exercise scene, offering numerous fitness benefits. And millennials and athletes in general have taken note.

03 Aug 2017

Vacationing is easier with a smartphone at hand and a handful of essential apps for the beach, the mountain or the city. Whether to save on fuel, park in the shade or find the nearest public restroom, a millennial’s vacation wouldn’t be the same without a bit of digital help.

06 Mar 2017

The apps world continues to grow. In just a few years, apps have become smartphone users’ closest ally. They aren’t all as well-known as Instagram and Shazam, but they have the same potential.

13 Feb 2017

02 Dec 2016

If there is something that unites the BBVA Paraguay team is its members’ passion for the brand. And no other color reflects that passion better than blue.

16 Sep 2016

The traditional way of viewing companies as mere places of work, where people go to earn a salary has been superseded for some time now by more evolved organizational outlooks. It is now an obsolete vision. Today, the most admired corporate organizations across the globe take an interest in development, well-being, quality of life, culture and human talent. And many get involved in sports.

15 Sep 2016

24 Aug 2016

04 Aug 2016

You may think you can’t afford to travel because of your limited budget.

But you may not be familiar with all the options that apps and the Internet offer, ranging from cost sharing to house swaps.

26 Jul 2016

15 Jul 2016

North or south. This is the geographic reference that people use the most in Chile to define the location of a place within the country. Indeed, geographically, Chile is as long as it is narrow. In fact, it is the longest country in the world (4,329 kilometers or 2,653 miles from north to south), but averages just 180 kilometers from the eastern boundaries defined by the Andes mountain range to its western coast, washed by the immensity of the Pacific ocean. That is why all that is left is north or south.

11 Jul 2016

Summer is finally here! While many of us may picture ourselves jetting off to a tropical island to do nothing but enjoy cocktails while bathing in a secluded beach…  the truth is that, unfortunately, due to a lack of money and time, some of us will have to save our dreams for later and spend the summer in the city. But, hey, it’s ok! There are thousands plans waiting for you - low-cost, even for free - and you probably didn’t know anything about them.

08 Jul 2016

Summer just started and you’re already dying to get out of the unbearable heat in the city. You’d like to go rest on the beach, but you tend to procrastinate and leave things to the last minute, even more so when you travel. Not to worry, you’re still in time to find the deal you’ve been dreaming of.

01 Jul 2016

We know you’ve been waiting for that trip to the beach, to that country you’ve never visited before, or to the place with fresh, clean air. But you also probably don’t want to come back broke. It’s hard to manage money when you’re away from home! We don’t know what we spent our money on or who paid for what.

12 Jun 2016

For those of us watching from the shore, surfing seems like nothing more than a hobby, but it’s so much more than that. It’s a passion that has won the hearts of people around the world. Pure adrenaline. But it’s also a sport that requires motivation, patience and a lot of sacrifice.

15 Mar 2016

Did you know that the oxygen level at 8,000 meters of altitude is one third the amount of oxygen available at sea level? When the goal is to reach 8,000 meters it is important to be aware that only Mother Nature exists up there. However, the body can go through acclimatization, which is an adaptation process to survive in the conditions of the new environment.

11 Feb 2016

26 Aug 2014