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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

Gerald Holton, who was unable to attend the awards ceremony in person, received the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Humanities and Social Sciences from the President of the BBVA Foundation, Carlos Torres Vila, at his home in Cambridge (Massachusetts). "This award recognizes Holton's great contribution to the understanding of the cultural dimension of science," said Torres Vila.


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One day, during a talk, she conducted a simple experiment: she asked a group of scholars to close their eyes and point south-eastwards. There were fingers pointed in every posible direction. However, Lera Boroditsky knew that if she asked the same question to a girl from an Aboriginal community in Australia she would point her finger in the right direction.

Founded by Garanti BBVA in 2011 to support the production of knowledge, culture, and arts, SALT's 10th year anniversary activities continue with Ardışık (The Sequential) video screenings to be held at Madrid’s Museo Reina Sofía on 19-20 November. The two-day program, which will start with the participation of artists Fatma Belkıs and Onur Gökmen and the presentation of SALT Research and Programs Director Meriç Öner, will feature the works of six artists from Turkey.

Working hours that suit the individual, the ability to operate from anywhere in the world, breaking with traditional hierarchical structures and constant renewal to respond to the needs of the market. This is liquid work - a model that puts individual talent at the heart of activities.

The Nobel Prizes 2023 have honored the work of five researchers who were previously distinguished by the BBVA Foundation with its Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. The judging committee of these prizes —awarded by the BBVA Foundation for the past 15 years— has shown an ability to get ahead of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, thereby making the Frontiers of Knowledge awards a reliable herald of international scientific excellence. On no fewer than 26 occasions, winners of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards have gone on to win a Nobel Prize a few years or even just months later.

The ceremony of the 12th and 13th editions of the Frontiers of Knowledge Awards, which took place on September 21 at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, highlighted the value of science and culture in tackling the great global challenges facing humanity beyond the pandemic, such as the environmental emergency, the profound technological transformation and the risk of new economic crises. The event recognized 35 world leaders in scientific research and artistic creation.

During the pandemic, working from home has brought with it new trends to organize the return to the office. The hybrid model is already a firm bet in many companies such as BBVA, where employees book through their physical work station via an app the days they work from the office.