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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

One year after the outbreak of the health crisis in Spain, we spoke to some of the leaders in the fight against the virus to find out how aid was mobilized. In the case of science, researchers consider this aid “essential for the research of this pandemic.” Three and a half million people have benefited from the global plan that BBVA launched in March 2020, ‘Social Response to COVID-19’. The money has been used to purchase medical equipment, support vulnerable groups and for research on the disease.

While society continues to adapt to the new reality post the pandemic´s outbreak, the workplace has begun to glimpse the guidelines that will mark our new ways of working. Confinement and movement restrictions have made teleworking a valid solution in many sectors and its managers are now studying how to extract the lessons learned and incorporate them into hybrid work models. It's something that will bring on the need to adapt to different work roles, work dynamics and new ways of leading.

The BBVA Foundation has awarded the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Economics, Finance and Business Management category to Ben Bernanke, Mark Gertler, Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John Moore for their fundamental contributions to our understanding of how financial imperfections can amplify macroeconomic fluctuations and generate deep macroeconomic recessions. Their first works focused on a fundamental aspect that had not been addressed until then: the state of companies' balance sheets and its effect on their borrowing capacity and, therefore, their investment capacity.

It´s been found that 62.5 percent of organizations with more than 50,000 employees are already working in an Agile way, according to the Agile Maturity Index report. In collaboration with Workday, Opinno consultancy presented its conclusions of an analysis of 600 companies (260 Spanish) from various countries. BBVA, a pioneer in incorporating agile work forms in Spain, is positioned as a benchmark for success in its implementation.

The BBVA Foundation has awarded the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Basic Sciences category to Paul Alivisatos and Michael Grätzel for their fundamental contributions to the development of new nanomaterials that are already being applied both in solar energy production and in next-generation electronics. The work of both winners opens the door to new avenues for the production of renewable energies, electronic devices, biomedical imaging techniques, and other applications.