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Life and Culture

Life and Culture


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What is stoicism and how can it help us manage a life crisis? A doctor and professor of philosophy, Massimo Pigliucci faced a critical juncture with the death of his father and undergoing a divorce. He looked to the ancient philosophers for answers and discovered “virtue ethics,” an approach to life that advances human improvement through the development of values.

The BBVA Foundation has honored "the fundamental contributions" of American researcher Kerry Emanuel to understanding the essential physics of hurricanes with the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Climate Change category. The twelfth edition of the awards has recognized the pioneer work of this professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), for being the first to link this phenomenon with the warming of sea surface waters driven by climate change.

A few years ago when BBVA decided to define its purpose, one of the intended goals was to foster a common corporate-wide culture based on a shared vision and values. This is no easy task because the profile of any large multi-national business will reflect the different backgrounds of its individuals: different nationalities, ages, etc. Young people today demand more from a job and are more aware than ever of the values that companies project. During the application process, companies will also weigh whether a job applicant fits with its corporate values. Some companies, like BBVA, are even beginning to define incentive plans to encourage alignment to the overarching corporate culture.