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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

For Sandra Mendoza, the Colombian entrepreneur served by the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, there is no question: “Sexism is the biggest barrier to overcome in rural areas.” This is also how she describes what it’s like to be a woman living in the countryside. At an event held in honor of the International Day of Rural Women, both she and Manuela Gómez, a Spanish entrepreneur from the Federation of Rural Women Associations (FADEMUR), spoke of a reality they know firsthand, despite the 5,000 miles that separate them.

Michelle Lok works as a Social Media Specialist at BBVA United States. She puts the same strength and determination into her training that she brings to bear at work every day. This BBVA Ambassador thinks big 24/7.

This summer, BBVA launched the first edition of the BBVA Values Global Recognition Program. It’s a special recognition designed to reward employees who best represent BBVA’s Values: The Customer Comes First, We Think Big, and We Are One Team. The awards are called the ViVa Awards.