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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

The Italian director Ettore Scola once said that movies are a painted mirror. Dramas, comedies and adventures of all kinds have been presented on the big screen for decades. But the imagination of film directors when creating science fiction has taken them even further, to a once-distant future that we’ve finally reached. Many screenplays were written about the present we now live in, but how accurate were their predictions?

BBVA offers its private banking clients access to the best art advisory service in the world, to help them develop their taste and passion within the most promising sectors of the art market. BBVA has partnered with The Fine Art Group, a global art and finance house, to provide its clients with an art advisory service. But, what does art advisory really entail?

Every day, new applications and software are making our devices more efficient and our society better connected. But if you want to step back and take a wider view of the digital economy and its impact on all aspects of society, these eleven books, all published in recent months, can prove both entertaining and useful.