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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

International Red Cross Day is celebrated each year on May 8 to commemorate the birth of the organization’s founder, Henry Dunant. After witnessing war first-hand, the Geneva businessman wrote a book that inadvertently gave rise the the largest humanitarian aid society in history.

Minister Benjamin’s Banking Law of 1946 further pulled in the already tight reins on the Spanish banking sector. In spite of everything, the two banks from Bilbao managed to grow and to distinguish themselves amongst their national competitors. Even before the greater growth that took place during the 1950s, Banco de Bilbao and Banco de Vizcaya had ended the 1940s in very good health.

The BBVA Continental Foundation, in association with Fondo Social de Paita (Social Fund of Paita), the Provincial Municipality of Paita, the Local Educational Management Unit of Paita and the Port Terminal of Paita, rolled out “Leer es estar Adelante (Reading Means Keeping Ahead),” a program aimed at helping students build their reading and understanding skills, in 13 public schools in the Province of Paita.

The Sombrero Galaxy presents a mystery to astronomers, who haven’t been able to explain all the details of this intriguing formation. Rings of dust hold bright young stars and right in the middle of the impressive sombrero is a giant black hole. The 50 year-old light from this galaxy, which is lost in the Virgo constellation, reaches Earth thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope, which turns 27 years old today.

Following the urgent measures adopted by Franco’s government to expedite the reconstruction of the economy, the Ministry of Finance redoubled its efforts to strengthen its grip over the banking sector.  On the last day of 1946, a new banking law was passed, outlining the new scenario in which institutions would be required to operate during the next decade.

We’re now back in Europe and have arrived just in time for the start of spring. One advantage of being a professional tennis player is that you spend practically the whole year in places with good weather.  It’s a real treat!

Their survival was one of the greatest achievements in American flight of the 20th Century.  Their mission has been called “the most successful space failure in history.” The Apollo 13 space mission was launched 47 years ago today, on April 11th, 1970. Its crew didn´t know then what their destiny would be, the dangers they would face, or how famous that phrase would become, as it was broadcast and translated – erroneously – around the world. There was even a movie made about their story.