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Life and Culture

The Roca brothers, ambassadors of the BBVA brand, accepted the accolade at The World's 50 Best Restaurants awards held last night in London. Joan, Josep and Jordi will be in Buenos Aires with BBVA on August 1 to launch their second gastronomic tour, which will see them travel through Argentina, the United States and Turkey over the summer. The Turkish capital of Istanbul will also provide the ideal backdrop for filming of The Turkish Way, the second part of their 'Cooking Up a Tribute' documentary.

It took him three years to set foot on the summit of yet another one of the tallest mountains on Earth. After Mount Lhotse in 2011, Carlos Soria reached the top of the Kanchenjunga (8586m) in May 18th, 2014. One year after, we’re celebrating with the 76 year old mountaineer what became his eleventh eight-thousander.

BBVA Chairman Francisco González today presented a new book called Reinventing the company in the digital era. It contains the thoughts of specialists from different fields of knowledge on how the revolution driven by information technology is transforming the principles we use in our work and business activities. Apart from Francisco González, the participants at the presentation included other co-authors: Philip Evans (Boston Consulting Group), Alison Maitland (London Cass Business School), and Celia de Anca and Salvador Aragón, both from IE Business School.

Everything is different up there. As you come closer you notice the change, and not just because altitude sickness starts taking its toll on your body or you have to sleep in a tent. But also because it means standing at the gates of heaven, in the Himalayas. All mountains hold many secrets and require anyone venturing into them to be fully aware of them.

Everybody knows that Carlos Soria is a mountain climbing figure and his drive to succeed at 76 years of age is legendary. Today, however, we won’t be talking about these defining features of his personality, but about the kindness in his heart. While not unscathed, Sama, a village he loves, managed to make it through the earthquake without any human losses.

Annapurna’s summit (8,091 m) will have to wait. The Nepalese colossus was unforgiving with BBVA’s Expedition and after a 50-day stay at the Base Camp the chances of reaching the top had dropped to a point of no return. “The amount of snowfall this year has been incredible” We brought seven tents for the high-altitude camps and we’re only taking three back. We lost some tents and tons of material to avalanches”, said the veteran mountaineer, whose decisions during these weeks have always prioritized expedition member safety.

Buenos Aires in Argentina; Miami, Birmingham and Houston in the United States; and Istanbul in Turkey are, in that order, the chosen cities for this second BBVA-El Celler de Can Roca tour. For 5 weeks, the Roca brothers and 40 members of staff from their restaurant will embark on a journey that will take them from the south to the north of the American continent, moving on to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean until reaching the city that joins Europe with Asia: Istanbul.

Crowdfunding has penetrated deep within the cinema industry. It is almost impossible to conceive of a film festival these days that does not feature at least one movie financed using the system, which has even triumphed at Hollywood's Academy Awards. However, from its origins in altruistic support and remuneration in kind, we have seen a gradual shift toward equity crowdfunding.

Backed up by organizations such as Google and NASA and located in Silicon Valley, Singularity University is the most prestigious international institution specializing in research and training on new technologies and their application to strategic sectors.