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Life and Culture

Life and Culture

North or south. This is the geographic reference that people use the most in Chile to define the location of a place within the country. Indeed, geographically, Chile is as long as it is narrow. In fact, it is the longest country in the world (4,329 kilometers or 2,653 miles from north to south), but averages just 180 kilometers from the eastern boundaries defined by the Andes mountain range to its western coast, washed by the immensity of the Pacific ocean. That is why all that is left is north or south.

Chile has changed. It grew up, matured. It’s no longer that barely autonomous young boy who looked around, borrowing others’ techniques and input. It has even evolved from that adolescent with too much talent but poor judgment.

Almost everything is ready for  El Celler de Can Roca’s historic visit to Chile, which will take place in just a bit over a month, from August 28th through September 4th. The Roca brothers are working on the final details of the menu they will offer during the dinners served at the nation’s capital.