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Life and Culture

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Social Sciences has gone in this seventeenth edition to social psychologists Icek Ajzen (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Dolores Albarracín (University of Pennsylvania), Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), Anthony Greenwald (University of Washington) and Richard Petty (Ohio State University) for their innovative contributions that have revolutionized the attitude theory and its practical applications.

Garanti BBVA welcomed the second century of the Turkish Republic with a sculpture by Metin Yurdanur, a renowned Turkish artist. Located at the bank’s headquarters in Zincirlikuyu, Istanbul, the ‘Republic Monument’ represents the ideals introduced by Atatürk enduring throughout the second century. Atatürk's light is carried into the future by the Turkish youth, with waves symbolizing the dynamic and enthusiastic values of the Republic. Standing at 6 meters tall with a 1.5-meter concrete base, the piece is crafted in cast bronze and stainless steel, and was designed exclusively for BBVA’s Turkish franchise.

The President of the BBVA Foundation, Carlos Torres Vila, championed the power of knowledge during the ceremony for the 16th BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards. Knowledge is the key to solving the problems we are experiencing as a society, at a moment when humanity is going through an unprecedented wave of disruption and faces the challenges of climate change, he said.

Ulrich Hartl, Arthur Horwich, Kazutoshi Mori and Peter Walter receive the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biology and Biomedicine for having successfully identified the cellular machinery that drives protein folding, an key process enabling them to fulfill their biological function. Their research, which disproved the findings of Nobel laureate Christian Anfinsen, has opened the door to the development of new experimental treatments for cancer and certain neurodegenerative diseases.

More than 650 of the bank's professionals have benefited from international experience in recent years. The initiative provides clear rewards for employees, but also for the bank, since the programs foster corporate culture, train staff in strategic skills and build loyalty among in-house talent.

BBVA Mexico and Liga BBVA MX have just announced the signing of a three-year sponsorship agreement for the BBVA MX, BBVA MX Expansion and BBVA MX Women’s soccer leagues. The aim is to continue growing Mexican soccer, including players and teams alike, by promoting key virtues such as hard work, teamwork, tenacity, self-improvement and fair play, while also transmitting these values to fans.

The bank received the prestigious certification thanks to its employee management strategy and policies. The Top Employer seal is a sign of the organizations’ commitment to bring about better work environments through excellence in their workforce practices and policies.