“Leer es Estar Adelante” program comes to Peru’s Paita province
The BBVA Continental Foundation, in association with Fondo Social de Paita (Social Fund of Paita), the Provincial Municipality of Paita, the Local Educational Management Unit of Paita and the Port Terminal of Paita, rolled out “Leer es estar Adelante (Reading Means Keeping Ahead),” a program aimed at helping students build their reading and understanding skills, in 13 public schools in the Province of Paita.

The program comes at a crucial time for the province. The “El Niño” southern oscillation broughtheavy rainfall and unbearable heat waves to Peru’s coastal regions earlier this year. Several towns in the region were severely affected by the unrelenting downpours and the ensuing floods, which caused road closures and disrupted water supply systems.
The province has been working hard to rebuild its infrastructure and utilities, as well as sanitary, health, law enforcement, and of course, education services. This is where the BBVA Continental Foundation, Civil Association Social Fund of Paita and the Port of Paita are rolling out a pivotal initiative, which will have a significant impact in the long-term. The program is aimed at helping 5,000 third-to-sixth grade students in the Paita and Colan districts to improve their reading and understanding skills. Also, 150 professors will be able to enroll in a training and pedagogical mentoring program.
The program “Leer es estar Adelante” has been contributing to improve education in Peru for the past ten years. To date, the program has helped over 111,000 students in 10 regions across the country to improve their reading and understanding skills; this year, it will continue to expand across Paita province.
One of the key elements of the program is the distribution of the Adelante textbooks, learning aides that include a special selection of different types of texts and images, as well as activities especially designed to help students understand what they read and improve their writing and speaking skills.
BBVA Continental Foundation’s support will be vital to the development and growth of this province, as a solid education is key to opening the doors to success and overcoming adversity.