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Training plans

29 Apr 2021

The Camp is the new reskilling and upskilling proposal for BBVA employees. Through an innovative training ecosystem, the bank’s workforce will be able to reinforce, update or deepen their knowledge in the skills identified as pivotal to promote the transformation and the future of the bank. All of this using gamification tools, which make it possible to design more familiar and attractive experiences for employees that increase their level of commitment during the learning process.

24 Aug 2020

The bank launches a global program in order to contribute to its employees’ professional development, to promote the acquisition of new skills, and widen the network of contacts within the company. The initiative empowers mentors and mentees from across the Group’s footprint to connect, transforming the process into one that puts the employee in control of his or her own development.

05 Feb 2018


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BBVA's new people management model aims to turn employees into the stars of their own professional careers, helping them take over the roles and functions they are best suited to within the organization, while offering them the tools they need to grow and develop professionally.

04 Jan 2018

12 Jun 2017

Edmund Hillary was the first person to reach the top of Mount Everest in 1953 - a feat that brought him worldwide fame, but also changed his life. His relationship with the mountains was so intense that he once said, “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” When asked about his hobbies, Ricardo Forcano (Zaragoza, 1977) answers right away, “the mountain.” It´s probably the best place to order ideas, propose new challenges and work as a team. All those experiences can be applied to the business world, and that’s what Ricardo Forcano is doing as head of the Talent and Culture area of BBVA.

09 May 2017

The earth, capital and technology have been the strategic factors in the industrial revolutions that have taken place from the Neolithic period to the 20th Century. However, in the fourth industrial revolution, which is now underway, individual talent will be the key to success.

11 Jan 2017

Amid the regulatory tsunami hitting banks, financial institutions are especially interested in a new European regulation that will come into effect starting January 1, 2018. It’s Directive 2014/65/EU on markets in financial instruments - also known as MIFID II.

15 Sep 2016

09 Jun 2016

Integration is one the essential aspects of our civilization's progress. And naturally, this idea also takes shape in the bank: the integration of goals and projects. At BBVA Continental it is called Scrums, which is the multidisciplinary work in which the different areas in the organization collaborate with the aim of achieving results as soon as possible. The coordinates are: transversality, swiftness and execution. All these steps are designed to lead the digital banking of the future.

21 Apr 2016

04 Apr 2016

19 Oct 2015

BBVA has been chosen as one of the best multinational workplaces in 2015 in the annual ranking prepared by the prestigious international consultant Great Place To Work®. BBVA is considered the best multinational workplace in the financial industry and is ranked eighth among the 25 best places to work in the world.  The list is headed by the tech companies Google and SAS Institute.