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IT (computer sciences)

21 Jun 2022

The strategic agreement with Genesys®, a leader in cloud customer experience orchestration, is enabling BBVA to introduce the advantages of cloud computing in its centers in Spain and Latin America. Both entities are already working together to migrate remote customer care services in these regions, where they have been able to reduce waiting times, thus improving customer satisfaction levels through BBVA’s use of the Genesys Cloud CX™ solution.

27 May 2021

BBVA and U.S. based startup Zapata Computing have just released the results of a research project into the use of quantum algorithms applied to the Monte Carlo method, which allows predicting the evolution of different variables under random conditions.  Despite its potential, the use of this technology for achieving a more efficient way of calculating prices of derivative products and making valuation adjustments will still require further developments in the available hardware.

01 Mar 2021

We tested OpenAI’s GPT-3 (one of the largest Artificial Intelligence (AI) language models ever created) on ten Spanish customer conversations about banking. Without any previous customization, re-training or transfer learning whatsoever, we asked it to generate summaries that would be useful to any bank agent who joins (or retakes) the conversation.

21 Feb 2020

The electronic forensic investigation starts with the application of a series of keywords to people’s electronic devices that, according to the information available, are thought to have had information of interest about the facts, may have had or not participation in them (the so-called ‘custodians’). Devices may include both computers and other electronics used by the custodians as well as data available in servers, in both emails and other files.

17 Feb 2020

Quantum computing has taken a short time to make a big leap: from R&D laboratories to corporate meeting rooms. BBVA began its quantum journey almost two years ago and now has a team specialized in quantum development, business units involved in the initiative, strategic alliances agreed, and various lines of research in place.

06 Nov 2019

31 Oct 2019

Startups face the growing challenge of building successful business models quickly, while protecting customer data from the threats in the digital world. Here are some recommendations that were offered during the last Open Summit to help entrepreneurs defend themselves against cyberattacks.

16 Oct 2019

PSD2 is a European regulation for electronic payment services. It seeks to make payments more secure in Europe, boost innovation and help banking services adapt to new technologies. PSD2 is evidence of the increasing importance Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are acquiring in different financial sectors.

12 Sep 2019

19 Feb 2019

The BBVA Foundation has recognized the computer engineer Ivan Sutherland with the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the category of Information and Communication Technologies. Over the course of his 60-year career, the American computer scientist has led the transition from text-based to graphical computer displays. He pioneered the use of graphical icons and virtual reality, and anyone who uses a computer or smartphone today benefits from the output of his research.

04 Feb 2019

14 Jan 2019

The world of video games is an economic and creative reality. Its possibilities are not limited to its recreational aspects; it is an industry that employees a multitude of people. According to the latest report by Newzoo, gaming generated more than €100 billion in 2018. And in an article that cites the Newzoo report, CNBC points out that this represents an increase of more than 13 percent compared to the previous year. The gaming industry encompasses video games, games for mobile devices, and eSports.

27 Nov 2018

Garanti and Bahçeşehir University heighten their collaboration on the ‘Code the Future with Garanti’ project, an initiative that aims to better prepare children for the digital future. This year the project partners have kicked off a new phase that includes new contents as well as teacher training in seven cities across Turkey.

19 Sep 2018

06 Apr 2018

There are a few Container Orchestration Engines available, such as Kubernetes, OpenShift, DC/OS, Nomad or Swarm, to name a few. On occasion, the optimal solution to deploy your apps requieres picking not one of those, but two or more. Each have their strenghts, and are targetted toward a specific kind of load. For instance, Kubernetes is specially prepared to deploy microservices very dynamically. However, in such a dynamic environment it is hard to handle a persistent database, task which is better handled by system such as DC/OS.

06 Mar 2018

At BBVA Labs, we have been using Akka Actors in different projects for a long time due to its inherent computation distribution capabilities in high load scenarios, using actors as stateless or stateful units of execution that send messages among them in an asynchronous fashion.

In this post, we will cover some of the weak points of working with untyped classic actors and we will show what are the benefits that Akka Typed brings to the scene. Finally, we will present a brief description of session types and the Process DSL API created by Dr. Roland Kuhn. All examples are written using the Scala API.

20 Feb 2018

The head of the BBVA Data & Analytics’ Edge team, José Antonio Rodríguez-Serrano, who coordinates the innovation area in BBVA's center of excellence in data science, shares his insights into five key questions to understand the implications of this exponential technology in different economical sectors and spheres of society.

19 Feb 2018

14 Feb 2018

13 Feb 2018

As we have seen in previous articles, the intelligent use of data, with the right talent and the pertinent business strategies for applying creative solutions, can provide insights that help solve a whole gamut of problems and take on board new opportunities. Data places within our grasp an enhanced decision-making ability and a deeper understanding of our clients and what they need. But as in the case of any other tool, these new skills can be put to positive or not so positive use, whether intentionally or not.

12 Feb 2018

The use of virtual assistants, mainly in the form of smart speakers, is rapidly gaining ground. In less than a year, devices such as Echo and Google Home have appeared in households across the globe and users are becoming increasingly comfortable carrying out searches, purchases and even bank transactions using this format, which looks set to become the transactional interface between customers and companies.

07 Feb 2018

31 Jan 2018

Probably the first thing the philosopher would do would be to create a strategy to explore it. Just like when he designed a user's manual for the human mind with Logic or when he developed a method of thinking critically to examine metaphysics. Aristotles “tried to show that all things in nature belong to certain groups and subgroups,” writes Jonstein Gaarder in Sophie’s World. But first, he counted up the tools he had for this task.

30 Jan 2018

15 Jan 2018

10 Jan 2018

Once a year, some 180,000 people meet at the most famous consumer electronics show in the world: the CES in Las Vegas. There, in spectacular fashion, they are shown the latest creations of the biggest brands, the extravagances of the smallest ones and the trends that will define the next wave of audio, image, home and automobile electronic devices.

27 Dec 2017

26 Dec 2017

The new technologies, and their presence in everyday life, are radically changing the way we look at entertainment, social relationships and work. They have also created new professions that do not yet have a set educational pathway, such as videogame developer.

05 Dec 2017