10 Feb 2025
Girls start to lose interest in science as they approach adolescence. This ‘abrupt’ change takes place at the age of 16, according to a recent Microsoft. On the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Carmen Lópex, Head of Engineering at BBVA Spain, and Alicia Mancheño, a member of the Technovation Girls Advisory Board, reflected on how to combat the prejudices and stereotypes that turn girls away from these professions.
26 Dec 2024
In 2023, BBVA chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) to accelerate its data-driven transformation. A year later, and the bank’s global cloud data platform is a reality. Following a process that involved multiple use cases and numerous teams, BBVA has successfully completed the full migration in Europe and Uruguay to its ADA (Analytics, Data, AI) cloud platform. The project involved the complex task of migrating tens of thousands of processes and thousands of users, all with no service interruptions. Given its success, the BBVA Group is now preparing to expand ADA in 2025 to the other countries in which it operates, including Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina.
04 Nov 2024
Artificial Intelligence
BBVA and the University of Navarra strengthen their alliance by promoting training in generative AI
After training more than 50,000 employees in data, BBVA is now busy developing a new program, this time alongside the University of Navarra and focused on the use of tools such as ChatGPT. The aim is to boost productivity by optimizing efficiency in decision-making and daily operations. The program is part of a partnership agreement to train bank employees in data science and new emerging technologies.
21 Oct 2024
BBVA is the world’s thirteenth most advanced bank on account of its ongoing efforts to integrate data and AI technologies, according to the Evident AI Index. More precisely, the bank ranks first in Spain and fourth in Europe, where it is widely recognized as offering outstanding professional development opportunities for its AI specialists and for having defined a Group-wide strategy that permeates the upper echelons of the organization.
13 Sep 2024
At BBVA, we are undergoing a technological revolution that is transforming our software development process. In mid-2021, we launched Horizon, a global initiative aimed at overhauling our digital channels, particularly in the enterprise sector, and enhancing the scalability of our technological platforms to meet the increasing demands for customer interaction. The primary goal is to foster global unity by creating unique technical solutions that can be implemented across multiple countries. This approach optimizes our efforts, speeds up delivery times, and provides us with a competitive edge in an industry where economies of scale are crucial. Additionally, this project has enabled us to adopt a new strategy for executing global programs by forming geographically diverse teams across different countries.
27 Aug 2024
Artificial Intelligence
BBVA sponsors KDD, the premier international data science conference in Barcelona
The city of Barcelona is hosting the first edition of this event in Spain, which ran from August 25 to 29. Within the broad program of activities, BBVA sponsored its Finance Day, which focused on the applications of AI and machine learning within the financial industry.
05 Aug 2024
Artificial Intelligence
Deep learning and machine learning: key differences between the two big brains of the digital age
Deep learning is a subset of IA within the broader concept of machine learning, so both concepts have a good deal in common, though also differences. Deep learning uses neural networks to draw complex conclusions in a human-like manner. Meanwhile, machine learning is able to make predictions from patterns, although it requires a higher level of human input.
02 Aug 2024
Neural networks, natural language processing, machine learning... AI is an essential partner for BBVA to help its customers manage their savings, manage their investments, analyze their consumption and plan for their next outgoings.
30 Jul 2024
Machine learning has no end of business applications. Consumers and citizens stand to benefit from this technology, which lets them manage their financial health, streamlines their digital processes, or makes their online experience smoother across multiple platforms, among other uses. A basic premise has emerged from this boom: there is nothing mysterious or magical about artificial intelligence (AI), and nor should it seem so. For more complex algorithms, data scientists develop tools to help us understand how they make their decisions.
22 Jul 2024
BBVA has chosen Telefónica Tech to boost the cybersecurity of its operations on a global scale with the incorporation of the most advanced technologies in artificial intelligence and process automation for the prevention of cyber threats. In addition, this alliance involves the creation of a new specialised centre in Mexico, which will function as a mirror of BBVA's existing Global Cybersecurity Centre in Spain. The combination of the two will provide comprehensive and uninterrupted coverage for the entire Group.
04 Jun 2024
Generative artificial intelligence tools are evolving rapidly: in just two months, ChatGPT reached 100 million users. Other platforms such as TikTok took at least nine months. To grasp the potential of these applications, we first need to understand the large language models that drive them.
Neural networks are transforming technology. Natural-language processing, voice recognition and artificial vision are just some of the applications of a sector that will be worth $1bn by 2030. The technology, first conceived decades ago to emulate the human brain, has boomed in recent years.
The emergence of tools like ChatGPT has transformed conversational interactions between humans and machines. Generative AI's ability to provide accurate and contextually relevant responses makes it particularly valuable for automated customer service environments, such as chatbots and virtual avatars.
23 May 2024
Web components are a set of features that allow the creation of reusable elements in web pages and applications. When developing, you get fast and efficient delivery of consistent, high-quality user interfaces for all platforms. But creating web components can be tedious and repetitive, so how can we improve it? The use of some tools or libraries such as Lit makes it possible to speed up and optimise the process.
14 May 2024
Digital channels have become the main way banks interact with their customers, both to check information and to carry out any kind of transaction. In this context, biometrics are gaining ground as they are a safe way to verify that customers are who they say they are. “At BBVA, there are over 40 use cases on a group level in which customer identity must be identified by biometrics, one of the most secure ways to prevent fraud,” said Natalia Ortega, Global Head of Financial Crime Prevention at BBVA.
10 May 2024
BBVA completed a successful pilot test of distributed execution of quantum algorithms across multiple conventional servers in the AWS cloud. BBVA's pilot, one of the first of its kind in the financial sector, provides the bank with a proprietary architecture to further explore the use of quantum computing in complex financial tasks.
26 Apr 2024
Garanti BBVA Digital Assets will shortly be offering Avalanche c-chain support for AVAX coins to users of its Garanti BBVA Crypto mobile platform.
22 Apr 2024
Quantum computing
BBVA joins the international alliance to shield financial systems against quantum cybercrime
BBVA is a founding member of the Quantum Safe Financial Forum (QSFF), a safe space for collaboration between European and US financial firms promoted by Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). The alliance aims to foster the creation of new technological systems within the financial industry that are safe, secure and resilient to malicious attacks that rely on quantum computing.
04 Apr 2024
Innovation is the driver of transformation at BBVA. In order to continue bringing our culture of innovation to all corners of the Group, the bank has created ‘_ableChallenge’, a specific program with which it invites its technology teams to develop innovative new products and services to solve real problems at the bank. The goal is to provide the tools, time and space to encourage them to think ‘outside the box’. “Innovation is a skill that can be trained. In the Engineering area, we seek to inspire and motivate our talent so they can discover and develop this potential,” said José Luis Elechiguerra, Global Head of Engineering at BBVA.
20 Mar 2024
In the past two years, BBVA added 7,187 professionals in the data and technology field to its workforce - a figure it plans to increase in 2024 with 2,700 new hires. Of this amount, 1,225 will take place in Spain for the bank’s headquarters in Madrid, Bilbao and Barcelona. Technology talent has become a key aspect of the Group’s digital strategy.
14 Mar 2024
In 2023, 63 percent of programmers introduced artificial intelligence (AI) tools to their work routine. Optimizing repetitive processes, detecting errors early and suggesting alternative code are some of the uses that have made this technology the ideal working partner for developers. This lets them focus on the more creative and complex tasks.
23 Feb 2024
The future of the banking industry is shaped by technology and Garanti BBVA is working hard to design the banking model of the future. Garanti BBVA Technology is the bank’s latest and most disruptive initiative yet so it can continue to lead digital banking in Türkiye.
22 Feb 2024
Entrepreneurship & Startups
BBVA co-hosts the largest European conference on entrepreneurship and climate venture capital in Bilbao
The bank is sponsoring the fifth edition of the Energy Tech Summit, which will be held in Bilbao for the first time on April 10th and 11th, 2024.
16 Feb 2024
Powerpay, a new payment platform offering a ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ (BNPL) solution, is now available in Peru, providing fast and secure payment options for users. With Powerpay, Peruvian consumers can use any credit card they like to make purchases in flexible, interest-free installments, without affecting their credit limit.
15 Feb 2024
Financial and commercial services
Garanti BBVA gets greenlight for its new payment solutions platform
The Turkish central bank recently granted Garanti BBVA an operating license for its new subsidiary, Garanti Payment and Electronic Money Service, Inc., effective February 15, 2024. The innovative new company will begin offering a selected group of customers a beta version of its digital payment solutions under the TAMİ brand in March.
11 Jan 2024
BBVA Spark, the bank for high-growth companies, has arranged a €15 million 'Venture Debt' facility for Cabify, the Spanish mobility company, which was launched 12 years ago in Madrid and became Spain's first unicorn in 2018. The proceeds will go toward fast-tracking the execution of Cabify's strategic plan, which focuses on boosting sustainable and affordable urban mobility.
04 Jan 2024
BBVA is looking to spot and train the best in-house talent in the use of the large language models (LLMs) that are behind the success of the likes of ChatGPT, as it drives the exploration of projects based on generative artificial intelligence. To succeed in this task, it recently organized a DataRally, a competition in which some 440 employees tested their ability in interacting with one of these models. Impressed by the positive feedback received from participants, the bank may now apply the DataRally concept to the generative AI courses it will be running as part of its Data University in-house training program.
07 Dec 2023
BBVA Switzerland has signed an agreement to collaborate with the blockchain company Metaco to host its digital asset custody service, a trailblazer in Europe, on the Harmonize™ platform. With this agreement, the bank is embarking on a new stage in its crypto strategy, characterized by the highest standards in security and greater agility in transactions. In addition, it opens the door to BBVA expanding its range of services in the future in order to meet the needs of its institutional clients.
20 Nov 2023
BBVA is laying the groundwork to meet the challenge of applying generative artificial intelligence (AI) to financial services. During its in-house DataFest conference, the bank reported on how it is already developing major projects with external providers and, in parallel, has selected several use cases that will begin to be deployed throughout 2024.
17 Nov 2023
Accenture and The New York Times have devoted the latest episode of their ‘Built For Change’ podcast to BBVA’s ongoing transformation. David Puente, global head of Client Solutions, describes a process that has been hugely successful for the BBVA app, but which is still far from over. The next big impact: artificial intelligence.