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Entrepreneurship & Startups Updated: 12 Jul 2018

Spotlight on: Open Talent Fintech Business Awards winners

Every year BBVA’s Open Talent competition sees an increasingly diverse range of entrants from all over the world, each of who is hoping to make business more effective through technology and the way it interacts with financial services.

As a reflection of this, this year the bank has selected 10 sector winners for Open Talent Fintech Business Awards, each at the forefront of innovation within a particular field. For BBVA, it's about working with companies that show the most promise in their specific sector, and have a capability to transform the way businesses manage financial information or data systems.

More than that, though, it’s about recognising the huge variety and potential that the entire fintech ecosystem is offering, and supporting the sector by helping make connections, sharing ideas and collaborating for growth.

The winners will have the opportunity to participate in BBVA's Open Summit event in October, as well as an immersion week at the bank, exposure at a major global banking conference and the chance to fast-track into a proof-of-concept scheme with the bank.

Fintech Business Awards winners:

Originating in Sao Paolo, Brazil, this microinsurance platform has been built to serve the needs of low-income customers by providing digital access to affordable high-quality products across a range of providers.

A Tel Aviv-based company which has built an artificial intelligence  based advisory platform capable of automating investment advisory services, at scale.

A Spanish company which uses machine learning and AI to transform the way companies tackle the problem of late payments.

Another of our Israeli-based entrants, this innovative start-up helps retailers offer personalised financing options to customers at the point of sale using a global network of lenders.

An app which links Mexican people’s spending and consumption habits and tries to help them save for retirement by automatically sending a certain percentage of every purchase to a long-term savings account.

  • Digital Marketing & Sales: Tikket

A social listening and analytics platform based in Venezuela which allows businesses to glean meaningful insights from online conversation.

  • Automation of Internal Processes: Neoeyed

This firm has built a layer of behavioural AI which understands the way people are using their phone to simplify login and registration on mobile applications, whilst also improving security.

The company has created a risk analysis and management platform which offers machine learning based business credit reports for SMEs.

  • Fintech for Sustainable Finance: Blueopes

An automated wealth and personal financial management tool from Hungary which aims to achieve higher returns from socially responsible investing.

Sedicii is an identity verification startup based in Ireland that allows users to verify identity data between two parties without exposing the underlying data.

BBVA believes in the quality of the technology and teams demonstrated by each of these companies, and each has significant potential to disrupt their own chosen sectors as well as adding more broadly to financial services across the board.Given the tough nature of competition in the 'New Payments' category, these are still being considered and will be announced in due course.

Of the winners already selected, ChargeAfter, ToGarantido, DunForce and Sedicii have also been selected as finalists for one of the main prize categories as well - a fund of €50,000 and an immersion week at the bank. The overall winner of these three categories will also be fast-tracked onto BBVA’s PoC programme and a chance to speak at BBVA’s Open Innovation Global Summit in Madrid.