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Education 12 May 2017

Spanish college students single out BBVA as one of the best companies to work for

This is one of the findings of ‘Most Attractive Employers’, a report prepared by Universum in collaboration with Employer Branding Academy, Centro de Estudios Garrigues, Europea Media (Universidad Europea), and Dircom.


Specifically, BBVA was ranked fifth in a list of 50 companies, and is the best-rated financial institution. Also, it has climbed several positions among engineering and telecommunications students. BBVA’s transformation has become one of the most appealing factors for these young students, which see BBVA as a driver of opportunities.

Drawing on the opinions of about 22,000 Spanish college students, the study details what students expect from their professional lives and how they rate different companies from a workplace point of view.

Top-rated factors included leadership, innovation, development and stability, features that BBVA offers to all of its employees to bring the age of opportunities to everyone.

In this edition of the report, international brands have solidified their position as the most appealing to work for in Spain. Digital spaces social media and websites have become the tools that young jobseekers use the most to stay up to date with the market.

BBVA engages in the most popular social platforms to show its followers what the day-to-day of the bank is like, as well as to advertise job openings, especially those that have a more intensive use, as well as BBVA’s employment portal.

For BBVA, it is important that candidates understand what the bank can offer and what they are going to find if they become part of the team.