Combating lack of safety with an app
Soacha, one of the boroughs most affected by crime in Colombia, reduces thefts and homicides by 19%.

The borough of Soacha is located in the region of Cundinamarca. It is one of the most violent places in Colombia. Mortality due to crime is very high 40 murders per 100,000 people and it is especially cruel to the young, who are at the epicenter of the tragedy at 60%.
To combat these data, the mayoralty of Soacha, in collaboration with Servinformación, has developed SuApp. A mobile app available on Android and iOS used for real-time reporting of crimes and using smartphones as an information channel

Photos, videos, geo-referenced specific alarms depending on the sighted crime and even the option to connect with CCTV systems owned by the user of the app can manage to greatly facilitate the work of the security forces and teams.
And in fact, they do, as has been recently revealed through El Tiempo. Thefts and homicides have been reduced by up to 19%. Thanks to the app, 139 alarms and 450 security cameras have been installed, all fruit of the collaborative effort between the community and the mayoralty. Moreover, reinforcement of 206 patrols monitor the borough's trouble spots, which have also been identified thanks to the data provided by the app.