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Colombia Startup 2015: a boost to the open ecosystem of entrepreneurs

National and international investors meet with Colombian and Latin American entrepreneurs to foster knowledge networks.


In its third edition, Colombia Startup 2015 has been positioned as one of the most important entrepreneurial events in Colombia. BBVA Colombia supports such initiatives, which create knowledge networks and open ecosystems that make more and more people enthusiastic about becoming an entrepreneur.

Big Data and entrepreneurs. This is the union that has been strengthened in the third edition of Colombia Startup 2015. One of the players was Sanjeev Khagram, professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California, specializing in managing mass data and information.

Khagram, educated in economics and philosophy at Stanford University, is the founder of iScale (Innovations for Scaling Impact), a global network of entrepreneurs and organizations committed to developing, implementing and promoting innovation to improve, among other things, processes and efforts in the field of new business models, communication and education.

This has been one of the looking glasses in which Colombian entrepreneurs have been peering to boost their open ecosystem, which is one of the challenges of this event that aims to be a platform where all of the stakeholders required to catapult entrepreneurship in Colombia can be found.

It is committed to combining efforts concerning entrepreneurship into a single event, which were previously made in a dispersed manner. For this reason, BBVA supports Colombia Startup 2015 and entrepreneurship worldwide.

"We support initiatives that make it possible to create knowledge networks, open ecosystems for entrepreneurs, universities, associations, incubators, accelerators and customers, by enabling the creation and implementation of innovative projects that create value," said Fabiola Acosta, Vice President of Digital Banking at BBVA Colombia.

In this respect, he pointed out that Colombia Startup is "a sign of enthusiasm and perseverance that characterizes the entrepreneurs that are here today and whom we admire, because not everyone risks presenting their ideas and projects that mark new trends and bring about change".

At the opening of the event, the Minister of ICT in Colombia, David Luna, stressed the support of private enterprise to such initiatives addressing the digital revolution that is taking place worldwide. “It is for good reason that there will be 1 billion Internet users by 2019; we thus have a unique opportunity today: to understand that the digital boom has the floor and in turn, a great responsibility to ordinary citizens in improving their quality of life."