The best recommendations for following innovation in Colombia on Twitter
A look at the accounts with information on technology and entrepreneurship in Colombia.

@solano: One of the best-known communication and technology journalists and bloggers in Colombia, and always featured on the lists of the most influential tweeters in the country. A key person to keep an eye on if you want to keep up to date with communications and ICT news. He's the author of the blog entiled ¿Comunicación?
@Laneros: This account belongs to one of the most longstanding technology communities. This community is a broad and diverse –as can be seen from its Twitter account, which contains posts on everything from the latest developments in videogames through to tips and tools for developers and resources for the use of technology in small and medium companies.
@nataliavivas:This communicator focuses on information architecture and design for users. She's a co- founder of the Colombian Usability Community. Community, and is worth following to keep abreast of the latest in usability applied to different digital and mobile platforms.
@carobotero: This is one of the key references for everything to do with copyright in digital environments. He's the head of Creative Commons in Colombia and is linked to the Karisma Foundation, which creates spaces for discussion on public policies concerning ICT in Colombia.
@DragonJAR: The creator of DragonJAR , DragonJAR , one of the largest IT security communities, years ago. His timeline is full of resources and security tips. He also post videos of lectures on security on his Youtube channel and his blog, where he publishes notes such as this one on ethical hacking.
@betancur: An entrepreneurship and innovation enthusiast with a particular interest in Design Thinking. He's the creator of StartUps Academy, where he has a blog where he has just posted an interesting entry with over 150 resources for planning, building and growing a company.
@xpectro: Very well known for his disruptive discourse, particularly in fields such as animation, design and the publishing industry. This Twitter feed is a good way to stay up to date with trends in innovation and ponder the issues of the digital age.
@tecnodosis: This timeline offers a feed of data, news and new developments on digital platforms of all kinds. This feed is a quick way to get an overall idea of all the new technology developments.
@gabatek: This is another good source of news on information and communication technologies.
@tecnovedosos: Another reference site with breaking news on devices, social networks, Internet, science and software.
@josecarlostecno: A well known journalist specializing in ICT and social media. He analyzes the latest launches and devices and apps and also of public policies and laws related to technology. He also writes about these issues in his blog entitled Blogabunderías.
@redemprende: This account promotes, connects and shares initiatives from different areas of the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem in Colombia. It's a good way of learning about events, announcements and opportunities for the growth and reinforcement of enterprises.
@revistamprende: This is a magazine dedicated to Colombian entrepreneurs. Its feed offers numerous useful tips, studies and analyses for creating companies. A recent post was this note on the profile of the fintech entrepreneur in Latin America.
@tuproyecto: This is a community of entrepreneurs with innovative projects linked to several public and private institutions in the country.
@socialgeek_co: With over 225,000 followers, this is one of the most popular guides to issues to do with entrepreneurship, technology and social networks. Its website has a category dedicated to news on startups.