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BBVA Open Talent 2018 seeks the most disruptive fintech startups

With over 150 startups registered in less than two weeks, the search continues for the best ideas, projects and solutions with the greatest potential to transform the future of financial services.

In the two weeks since it was opened, there have been over 150 applicants signing up to take part in the 10th anniversary of BBVA Open Talent, the biggest fintech competition in the world. With three prizes worth €50,000 each and endless opportunities for collaboration between startups and BBVA, there is a lot at stake in the latest edition.

On its tenth edition, BBVA Open Talent is looking for the ideas capable of improving the way people and companies manage their data and their money.

A total of €150,000 will be awarded for the three winners of the following prizes:

  • Fintech for Future: €50,000 for the startup with the greatest potential to transform the financial sector in the next 10 years.
  • Fintech for Business: €50,000 for the startup with the best solution to transform the way in which companies manage their finances and data in their operations.
  • Fintech for People: €50,000 for the startup with the best solution to improve the experience of the customer in banking and the way in which people manage their money and their data.

The three winners will have the chance to take part in a BBVA Immersion Week and get exposure for their business at an important, globally-regarded financial conference. They will also get the chance to be fast-tracked into a proof of concept vehicle with BBVA, while a place will be reserved for them at the BBVA Open Innovation Global Summit to be held in Madrid.

In addition, with the aim of generating the maximum number of contacts within the fintech ecosystem, BBVA will also be selecting up to 20 other start-ups who will also have the opportunity to take part in the immersion week in Madrid and the BBVA Open Innovation Global summit. The summit will bring together a large number of key influencers in the fintech world, investors and potential partners in the Spanish capital - all aimed at supporting the growth of the start-ups in terms of investors, customers and clients.

In this video, Derek White, the Global Head of Customer Solutions at BBVA, encourages the most disruptive startups in the sector to take part. “You can’t underestimate the impact of this competition. If you are a startup and want to drive growth, knowledge of the sector, relations, opportunities and contacts, Open Talent can have an enormous impact on your business,” he says.