BBVA brings Android Pay to Spain
BBVA and Google today announced the launch of Android Pay in Spain. This payment system will allow BBVA customers to use their Visa and MasterCard cards, in order to pay with their mobile phones. Android Pay will be operational in the more than one million businesses in Spain with contactless technology. BBVA is the first bank to give its customers the possibility of paying with Android Pay in Spain.

As part of a collaboration agreement aimed at developing payment solutions worldwide, BBVA and Google go a step further with the official launch of Android Pay in the Spanish market.
BBVA thus increases the mobile payment services it has offered its customers for more than three years with BBVA Wallet, making BBVA cards compatible with Android Pay.
Antonio Macías, Strategy and Transformation Director at BBVA Spain’s Payments Systems and Consumer Loan Area, said that: “The agreement with Android Pay seeks to make it easier for customers to pay with their cell phones – a device that is being used more and more.”
Currently, 90% of the cell phones in the market use Android technology, meaning that this system will allow many BBVA customers to pay with their smartphones. In addition to using BBVA Wallet for payments, the bank’s customers can now pay with their cell phones and Android Pay both in stores, websites and merchants’ apps.

This payment system will allow BBVA customers to use their Visa and MasterCard cards.
Advantages of Android Pay
Using Android Pay is simple and safe. Customers need only to download the app at no cost on the Google Play Store, add the compatible BBVA credit and debit cards and activate the app. In the coming weeks, BBVA customers will be able to register for Android Pay on BBVA Wallet.
BBVA customers who sign up through the mobile onboarding service, which was launched last year, will obtain instant access to Android Pay, as this registration service immediately provides them with an account and an operational card.
In order to make payments with Android Pay, customers need only put their mobile phone next to the POS terminal with the screen on, as there’s no need to open the app. After the purchase, they will receive information on the transaction, so they can keep track of their purchases and receipts.
Furthermore, customers will be able to make payments on websites using Android Pay. This payment system is the same one that is used to pay on other apps, with no need to include the card data every time a payment is made.
BBVA, best app in the world according to Forrester
BBVA has the best mobile banking app in the world, according to Forrester Research’s latest study, “2017 Global Mobile Banking Benchmark”. Forrester Research analyzed 53 apps from large retail banks in 18 countries, including the U.S., the U.K., France, Brazil, Turkey, China and Australia.