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BBVA Bancomer New Banking Award: Sincuenta +50, credit opportunities for everyone

A fintech project that awards customer loyalty and commitment won the challenge set by BBVA Bancomer for Mexican entrepreneurs.

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Marcela Oviedo and Adrian Kane form part of the team that won the BBVA Bancomer New Startups Award with a mobile application that enables you to make your dreams come true: the bank provides financing and when you've saved half of the cost of your goal, it gives you the other half on credit. This speeds up the purchase and the goods or services are delivered at the time the credit is granted.

"It's an easy and understandable platform that awards loyalty and commitment. It proves that you deserve the credit, which we call meritocracy.The user makes their contributions to achieve their goal and they have a very clear purpose for their savings: a trip, car or an outfit, for example. This makes it a win-win relationship when signing up with the business partner. To make sure that clients don't lose their savings intentions at the time of making the payment, the bank makes a note of the number of people and their wishes, which improves the offers and benefits", explained Adrián Kane, CEO of the 404 Digital startup after winning this award.

"Given that 50% of the value of the goal is achieved before making the purchase, the credit rate helps, instead of being damaging in the credit bureau.Innovation means changing and getting closer to people", pointed out Marcela Oveido, CTO of the startup.

In addition to winning the BBVA Bancomer New Banking Startups Award, the people interviewed agreed that they had found a specific niche for their services, where nobody can compete with them because "traditional providers try to reinvent", and meanwhile, development providers can't compete with them due to a lack of skill.

“We are the first startup from UX banking”, stated Kane, adding,"We are very satisfied with the project that we submitted and which made us winners of the BBVA Bancomer New Banking Startups Award, because the Sincuenta +50 project is creative and functional with a graphic presentation".

With regard to BBVA Bancomer's initiative to award the startups, Oveido explained that it's "incredible", since one would think that the bank would carry out these initiatives internally, but the innovative developments are carried out from the outside."New banking is generated by the users. In 10 years time, users will say that products don't work. BBVA Bancomer was one of the first to realize this, which is why it joins forces with the generators of creative ecosystems".

That's why the winners of this challenge stand out for these types of initiatives. "The brand calls on entrepreneurs because we know that it's done well and we all had the opportunity to win.These competitions enable us to appear on the financial scene, in which it would be otherwise by very difficult to present our ideas", said Kane.