BBVA and Google launch a business application competition for developers
BBVA and Google seek to promote a spirit of innovation in business application development with the InnovaApps+ competition. This international contest aims to promote the emergence of new solutions that can benefit companies, and particularly SMEs and entrepreneurs in Spain and Latin America. This new challenge will enable BBVA to stay in touch with the ecosystem of developers and attract talent and new ideas, and also to remain at the cutting edge of technology

InnovaApps+ challenges programmers to create productivity applications that solve problems or simplify tasks in companies.
InnovaApps+ challenges programmers to create productivity applications that solve problems or simplify tasks in companies.
The applications must be based on Google's technologies, either in the cloud (AppScript and Cloud Platform) or on mobile devices (Android) and social media (Google+). All the applications developed by the contestants will be available under an open code license, so any company, self-employed worker or SME may use them, and also modify and adapt them to their specific needs.
“This competition aims to promote the talent of the communities of developers worldwide, but particularly in Spain and Latin America. The value propositions generated in InnovaApps+ may be applied both in BBVA and in any other business, thanks to its model based on open software”, said Gustavo Vinacua, director of Open Innovation and the BBVA Innovation Centers.
“Google's technology platforms reduce the barriers to solution creation, enabling startups and entrepreneurs to launch their projects in global markets. Google's Developers program supports developers in Spain and Latin America so they can focus on creating innovative solutions”, said Andrés Leonardo, Developer Relations Manager at Google Spain.
This joint BBVA-Google challenge will have four categories:
Applications for internal management
Applications that simplify the internal processes of companies, such as staff recruitment and control, expense management, invoicing, procurement, accounting, etc.
Organization applications
Applications that improve employee production processes. This category includes solutions related to managing e-mails, organizing meetings, videoconferences, cloud computing, document management, team work, etc.
Customer relations applications
Applications designed to improve and streamline the relationship with a company's customers and help offer them sales services or information outside of the physical store. This category includes customer relationship management (CRM), marketing, online sales and other tools.
Special BBVA prize
BBVA will reward those applications that provide new added value for the bank's internal use and integrate with the Google Apps already used by employees. Mobile productivity applications and others that integrate Bluetooth 4.0 technology or internal sensors will also receive special consideration.
Anyone interested in participating in the InnovaApps+ international competition can register on the BBVA Open Innovation website and develop their projects using the resources available on the Google Developers portal and the information available in Spanish on their Google+ page. The most active contestants in this community, who provide assistance and answer questions posed by other programmers, can also compete for awards recognizing their effort.
The registration period will be open from March 28 to May 30.
First, second and third prize for the first three categories will be €3,000, €2,000 and €1,000. The special BBVA prizes will be €9,000, €6,000 and €3,000 for first, second and third place. Several prizes will also be awarded as honorable mentions.
The winning projects will be selected by a panel of BBVA and Google experts based on criteria such as originality, usability, design and relevance for the Spanish and Latin American market. Special consideration will also be given to integration with Google+, with Google tools or applications or with Google's wearable technology .
Coinciding with the competition, Google and BBVA have organized an extensive program of training and workshops in both Spanish cities (Barcelona, Cartagena, Ciudad Real, Córdoba, León, Madrid, Murcia, Ourense, Salamanca, Tarragona and Vigo) and Latin American countries (Chile, Mexico and Colombia).