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Spain is the team that controls midfield, Russia attacks the most, while Brazil surprisingly is the most defensive. According to big data, such are the styles of play of the soccer teams currently facing off in the hopes of winning the tournament.

Our initial goal is to try to answer questions such as when it is more appropriate to use AWS Lambda instead of AWS EC2 services, and especially, which parameters affect this comparison the most.

Where do most internet users go online from? What devices do they use? How often do they upgrade their smartphones? This a snapshot of the current internet and smartphone use habits across the planet.

BBVA Compass recently reported a 30 percent increase year-over-year in mobile active customers.*

According to a recent study from Citigroup, it’s a trend the bank should expect to see continue, as customers increasingly use mobile banking apps over most others. BBVA Compass Head of Business Development Pepe Olalla agrees but also says increased adoption of the mobile app among BBVA Compass customers can also be attributed to a digital strategy which incorporates design and customer feedback to deliver a solution that guides customers on their financial journey.

Two years ago, when BBVA defined its company purpose —to bring the age of opportunity to everyone— it also decided that the best way to reach this ambitious goal was to transform itself into an agile organization. Ricardo Forcano, BBVA's Global Head of Talent & Culture, addressed more than 1,700 participants at the National Human Resources Congress where he shared the milestones of a journey that has revolutionized the way BBVA works.

“Hi, how can I help?” They are only five simple words, but there was nothing simple about what followed when Google presented Google Duplex at its recent I/O conference recently. Google Duplex is an ‘intelligent’ AI-led voice assistant tool that is capable of executing simple voice calls, such as making restaurant reservations or hairdresser’s appointments. It sounded so realistic and human that the person on the other end of the line in each demo was seemingly unaware that they were speaking to a machine.