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The rapid pace of development witnessed in 21st century civilization has turned many a world upside down. Disruptive products, services and technologies continue to manifest at an almost unfollowable rate, while societies and markets exhibit increasing magnitudes of complexity.

After bitcoin and blockchain, it is now time to get acquainted with another novel concept brought about by the digital economy: The ‘token’. What is this concept that is leading some people to speak about new discipline, 'tokenomics'?

There are currently 197 unicorn companies in the world, with 24 new additions so far this year. Fintech, smart building, cybersecurity, messaging… the new arrivals come from a wide range of sectors. Among the veterans, Uber is leading the way with a valuation of $68 billion.

One of the characteristics that distinguishes blockchain is it immutability. But many people wonder if this is actually true. Is blockchain really an unchangeable record of data? Óscar Lage explains in this new chapter of #BlockchainRevolution how this technology works so that it cannot be maliciously modified.

Four years ago, BBVA took on the challenge of turning professional technical profiles into data scientists, launching the first edition of 'From Data Mining to Data Science'. Since then, more than a hundred employees have completed this training program that aims to build up in-house knowledge in new tools and techniques that will allow the bank to deliver on its goal to become a data-based corporation.

According to the experts, artificial intelligence is not only a banking reality, it will change the sector completely. The transformational power of artificial intelligence can already be glimpsed in the form of chatbots, robo-advisors, and Robotic Process Automation.

The terms ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ are often used as if they were synonyms. However, although both terms are related to improving professional skills, they are similar, but not identical, concepts.