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Tablets, smartphones, social media… There are an increasing number of channels available for communicating directly with the customer and learning more about them, as well as for customers to convey their message in a more personal way.

The data generated by the endless amount of operations we engage in every day: transactions, medical inquiries, online publications… have paved the way for the ascent of the data analyst profile. A professional whose work is shrouded in myth and mystery.

Artificial intelligence (AI) made the leap from science fiction to the corporate world some time ago. Amazon and Netflix use it routinely to make purchasing recommendations, iPhone users speak to Siri every day, and banks give investment advice or calculate risks thanks to these technologies. But these are only the first hesitant steps of AI, which is due to have a major impact on the financial sector, as revealed in this report in the magazine Euromoney, and featuring an interview with Marco Bressan, Chief Data Scientist at BBVA.

BBVA has moved into larger digs in San Francisco's financial district bringing the teams that will shape its digital future closer together. The bank today opened new offices in the city’s Embarcadero Center office complex. BBVA's New Digital Business unit will be located there, along with its Digital Sales and Marketing teams and Spring Studio, a user-experience firm it acquired last year. The teams are all expected to play outsize roles in supporting BBVA’s goal of transforming itself through technology.

Blockchain technology became famous thanks to the bitcoin currency, although it is increasingly looking like cryptocurrencies will be sidelined and blockchain technology will be used in many sectors, not only in the financial industry.

Numerous publications have attempted to find out what defines the millennials –the new generation of young people who not only have different values and tastes from their elders, but who are also pioneers in adapting new technologies, and whose uses and customs tend to be copied by older generations. BBVA has conducted a study to find out what they are like and what they really want out of life. It reveals that not only are there are a large number of different types of millennials, but that their preferences vary depending on their country of origin.

Devices that are wearable, cars that drive themselves, household appliances that we can control via wifi or bluetooth and even clothes connected to the Internet; what more proof is needed that we live in the age of the Internet of Things (IoT), or rather, intelligent objects that multiply their usefulness and make our lives easier because of automation and the control we have over them thanks to digital, wireless and cloud technologies?

Information is one of the greatest assets a company owns, which is why it is so important to have an organized, scalable database that can be consulted and, above all, can be used easily and quickly to identify trends, predict events, and make decisions based on reliable data and statistics.