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Trust has always been one of banking’s biggest values, but in the 21st century where digital is the prevailing theme, trust has become even more central to the conversation, BBVA Global Head of Security Architecture Juan Francisco Losa said in an address at American Banker’s Cybersec conference in New York City this week.

Large retailers around the world such as Amazon opted for cloud computing right from the outset. Now, as highlighted in the study eSpain - The digital transformation in the retail sector by the Orange Foundation, almost all processes of updating IT (Information Technology) systems of retailers introduce cloud solutions.

In the world of programmers there is a new much talked-about language: Python. This is a type of programming language (a set of symbols and syntactic and semantic rules needed to develop programs that control a machine's physical and logical behavior) that aims for simplicity, versatility and swift development, whose name is inspired by the group of English comics “Monty Python”.