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On the occasion of BBVA’s Annual General Meeting, economists, executives, presidents of large multinationals and entrepreneurs commended BBVA’s pioneering transformation, which has turned the bank into a model for the financial world and other key economic sectors.

BBVA represents a benchmark in terms of transparency and clarity in the main markets where it operates. It further intends to position itself as a long-term industry leader in the field. Its roadmap is focused on creating a satisfactory customer experience, helping clients to make informed decisions with regard to their finances. The aim is to drive customer trust, their willingness to recommend BBVA and the bank’s reputation.

International Women’s Day shines a spotlight on the complicated work, family and personal situation of many women throughout the world, particularly in developing economies. The BBVA Microfinance Foundation is taking steps to support the most vulnerable female population by funding their businesses and giving advice. However, in spite of their potential, female entrepreneurship continues to be an unresolved issue all over the world.

The study by the consultant Deloitte 2016 Predictions for Technology, Means of Communication and Telecommunications highlights that the generation of people between 18 and 24 aren't going to abandon computers for cell phones.

Voice, face, fingerprint and written signature biometric systems enable user authentication and identification and are struggling to replace the current password system.