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The report Citie Framework – by Nesta, Catapult and Accenture – aims to find out how cities are working with local startups to encourage technological improvements in the urban environment.

PymeFree is a Mexican startup that provides a free invoicing platform for SMES, as well as advertising space for companies targeting specific audiences. It capitalizes on taxpayer obligations and turns these into potential clients by offering a set of tools that render tax declarations simpler. All this via a platform that features advertising from companies targeting this market.

Initially conceived for military use, these unmanned aerial vehicles have gained prominence for their commercial uses, from mapping, video and photography, to crop monitoring and protection.

Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, have been with us now for four years. These devices –which just a few years ago were being sold as recreational toys for model aircraft enthusiasts– gave little hint of the real scope of this technology. Beyond their use for recreation, they were mooted as a new tool for the professional world.

Farming and emergency situations. These are two of the areas in which the drone sector is rapidly gaining ground. In other areas faster development is often hindered by legislation.

Although the banks are already present on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social networks, there is still a lot of work to be done in the so-called transformation of social banking, including the design of a clear strategy if they want to build loyalty and approach the customer through these channels.Aunque los bancos ya están presentes en Facebook, Twitter o YouTube y otras redes sociales, aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer en la llamada transformación social banking como diseñar estrategias claras si quieren fidelizar y acercarse al cliente a través de estos canales.