How BBVA celebrated Earth Hour 2019
On Saturday, March 30th, the world came together to celebrate Earth Hour, an initiative promoted by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). Entire cities went dark for an hour to raise awareness and urge people to join the global movement in support of the environment and the protection of the planet. BBVA’s HQ in Spain - Ciudad BBVA – as well as other corporate buildings and headquarters in other countries, including Mexico, the U.S., Colombia, Peru, Uruguay or Argentina, also showcased their commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change.

Hundreds of BBVA buildings and offices across 10 different countries joined this initiative that seeksto raise awareness about the need to use the planet’s resources in a responsible manner.
For the Spanish financial group, the fight against climate change brought about a shift in its business model, as well as the development of new methodologies capable of addressing these new trends in the financial sector. Thus, through its Pledge 2025, an initiative aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, the Group committed to mobilizing €100 billion during the next 8 years in green finance projects, sustainable infrastructures, social entrepreneurship and financial inclusion.

BBVA Continental showcased its support by switching off the lights at its Lima headquarters.

BBVA Compass’ building in Houston (Texas) also joined Earth Hour.

Yet another year, BBVA Francés actively supported the campaign, which seeks to call attention about the responsible use of the planet’s resources.

At BBVA Uruguay employees strive everyday to contribute to the fight against climate change.