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Technology Updated: 21 Aug 2017

Hostile drones and how to combat them

The rise in civilian drones may be an opportunity to evade security protocols that were not designed to detect them.

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The decentralization and democratization of the technology –and with it, the reconnaissance and surveillance capacities that were previously only within reach of the intelligence services– are placing many countries in the world on alert.

Remote Control, an initiative by the Oxford Research Group, in its report entitled Hostile drones: the hostile use of drones by non-state actors against British targets listed the characteristics of up to unmanned aerial vehicles and the threats they represent in the area of national security. This is just one example of the rising tension in response to the emergence of civilian drones. And in the U.S., the FAA has announced that has announced that there are now more registered drone pilots than plane pilots.

According to this report by the Oxford Research Group, the media in the United Kingdom has picked up on the threat of drones as the epicentre of future terrorism act.

The Daily Telegraph newspaper indicated that the British police company in the Netherlands and the Dutch police– is exploring the option of using eagles in their particular crusade against drones overflying regulated airspace in violation of established laws.

In Japan in 2015 the ubiquity of drones was demonstrated in one particular case –in which a drone was used to deposit a bucket of radioactive sand on the prime minister's roof–, triggering a somewhat unorthodox security measure.