Elena Alfaro
26 Dec 2018
Elena Alfaro
Head of Customer Solutions Analytics & Open Innovation
31 Oct 2018
Elena Alfaro
Head of Customer Solutions Analytics & Open Innovation
13 Feb 2018
Elena Alfaro
Head of Customer Solutions Analytics & Open Innovation
Juan Murillo--
Head of Analytics Dissemination and Data for Social Good at BBVA Data & Analytics
Roberto Maestre-
Senior Data Scientist at BBVA Data & Analytics
As we have seen in previous articles, the intelligent use of data, with the right talent and the pertinent business strategies for applying creative solutions, can provide insights that help solve a whole gamut of problems and take on board new opportunities. Data places within our grasp an enhanced decision-making ability and a deeper understanding of our clients and what they need. But as in the case of any other tool, these new skills can be put to positive or not so positive use, whether intentionally or not.
31 Jan 2018
We inferred as much in the title to the first article of this series: to key to realizing all the opportunities of this new technological era, lies in these three factors: raw material—data—and the other two are human factors—intelligence and innovation.
30 Jan 2018
Concepts such as big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science are increasingly at the center of the debate about the digital revolution. But why is everyone talking about them? Do we really understand these concepts, or the implications they have on our evolution as a society?