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David Soriano

03 Nov 2016

Once again BBVA Bancomer has been named best investment bank in Mexico by Latin Finance magazine. The bank already merited the distinction in 2013 and this year, despite market volatility, BBVA Bancomer has managed to set itself apart from its competitors, earning the award for a second time. This accolade attests to the effort and work of BBVA’s investment banking unit in the country over the past year, and reaffirms the importance of Mexico within the Group.

10 Oct 2016

22 Aug 2016

The history of banking is a story that must be told in stages. It starts with its birth after the 1929 Wall Street Crash with the Glass-Steagall Law, and continues to present day with the Dodd-Frank Law Barack Obama signed after the 2008 financial crisis.

01 Jun 2016

The typical job for recent graduates as they land for the first time in a top investment bank usually includes 90 hour long weeks working with spreadsheets and presentations. However, many junior bankers see Wall Street and its exhausting work rate as a necessary step to a more gratifying and less stressful position. Young professionals feel increasingly attracted by other sectors, such as technology or private equity firms and banks, and banks are being required to double their efforts to retain talent.