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International trade 02 Jan 2020

Garanti BBVA shares its expertise of the Chinese market

Garanti BBVA has collaborated with the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) by sponsoring the fifth ‘Understanding & Doing Business with China’ conference, recently held in Istanbul.

The meeting addressed topics such as China's rapid economic, social, and technological transformation and the implications for the Turkish business world and decision-makers. Further agenda items included China’s global economic strategy and corresponding policies, the business and investment climate in China, and a summary of Sino-Turkish economic relations.

Garanti BBVA has been providing services through a representative office in Shanghai for 20 years, and has thus garnered significant knowledge about the Chinese market. Furthermore, the bank can boast notable transactions with China.

The conference allowed Garanti BBVA to emphasize the importance of the Chinese-Turkish business relationship. Noyan Rona, Garanti BBVA Chief Representative in the Shanghai office since 1999 is also TÜSİAD's Shanghai Coordinator and moderated a panel entitled ‘Turkey-China Relations from the Public Perspective.’ Knowledgeable ministry representatives participated in the panel, adding valuable insight into a review of action plans and roadmaps for the Chinese market.

From left to right, Garanti BBVA's Financial Institutions director Batuhan Tufan; Foreign Trade Financing manager Taliye Türker; and Garanti BBVA's representative in China Noyan Rona.