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Mobile banking Updated: 19 Jul 2019

Garanti BBVA increases in-app interaction, boosts transaction numbers fivefold

For more than 20 years Garanti BBVA has been investing in technology in order to ensure a personalized and simplified digital experience in every new product or service it offers its customers and clients. In collaboration with Google, the bank recently launched a 'Universal App Campaign,' aiming to increase the number of interactions in the Garanti BBVA Mobile app and to encourage customers to use the bank’s digital channels for their banking transactions.

The campaign focused on four main features of the Garanti BBVA Mobile application: money transfers, credit card payments, bill payments, and phone payments. It targeted customers who had logged into the application within the last 90 days but who hadn’t completed any of these transactions. Texts and images were used effectively to explain how to conduct transactions digitally and resulted in an increase of transactions completed in the app.

Machine learning technology and Google’s extensive network facilitated the successful promotion of the campaign by using Google Search and YouTube, where the ads appeared on a significant number of channels. The campaign results were impressive: transaction volumes were five times higher than previous campaigns with a log-in unit cost decrease of 60 percent.

In today's world, digital marketing is key, and mobile plays a crucial role. The importance of using mobile channels to reach the customer and providing the best interaction possible cannot be underestimated. To this end, with initiatives such as the Universal App Campaign it is possible to effectively pinpoint the target audience and communicate with them more effectively. Garanti BBVA will continue to invest in cutting-edge technologies in order to deliver innovative solutions.

Garanti BBVA - campana app movil 2019

Garanti BBVA's mobile app offers a wide array of features for customers.