Garanti BBVA Customer Contact Center named the "Best Digital Solution" at the Turkish Contact Center Awards
At the 18th edition of the ‘IMI Conference Turkish Contact Center Awards’, Garanti BBVA was recently presented the award for the ‘Best Digital Solution’. The event was held as part of the Turkey Communication Center Days. All sectors using call center services participated in the competition.

Digital solutions were assessed based on a variety of criteria, such as the institutions’ level of adaptation to digital technologies, the quality of service provided in digital channels; customer satisfaction with these channels and the ability to switch between digital channels.
Garanti BBVA Deputy General Manager Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu shared how happy she was to have won the award for the bank’s practical and easy to access solutions. "Our Customer Contact Center continues to offer new products and services to make our customers' lives easier as Garanti BBVA's busiest communication channel,” she said. The bank offers online onboarding, video calls and password services in a fully digital experience for customers.
The bank hopes that its Customer Contact Center will continue leading the sector in terms of technology, resource management and results. “Our goal is to continue making our customers’ lives easier with projects that will make a difference in digital transformation," Işıl Akdemir Evlioğlu said.