Garanti BBVA, among the four most valuable brands in Türkiye
Brand Finance's 2023 survey also recognized Garanti BBVA as Türkiye’s most valuable bank brand.

With a brand value exceeding $767 million, Garanti BBVA ranked 4th in this year’s "Türkiye's Most Valuable Brands'' survey conducted by international brand evaluation organization Brand Finance. This score increased the bank’s ranking in brand value by three notches compared to the previous year. Thanks to this result, Garanti BBVA ranked first in the banking sector.
Garanti BBVA, which once again proved to be a pioneer and leader in the sector with its brand power, is one of the most valuable brands in Türkiye. Strong brand perception, customer experience and satisfaction, good work for society and the planet, and more than 25 years of firsts in digital banking have all had an impact in the bank’s performance in the most recent survey.
Brand Finance has calculated the brand value of BBVA’s Turkish unit 16 times between 2008 and 2023, with the brand valuation being featured in 32 brand rankings, including the strongest and most valuable European brands, the biggest Turkish brands and the best Banking brands.