Garanti Bank’s Ebru Dildar Edin is re-elected President of Turkey’s Business Council for Sustainable Development
Ebru Dildar Edin, Garanti Bank’s Executive Vice President of CIB, was recently re-elected President of Turkey’s Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD). The general assembly of the organization voted in favor of Edin continuing in her role as BCSD President - a position she accepted one year ago. BCSD Turkey is a key member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development network and has spearheaded sustainability initiatives in Turkey’s public and private sectors for the past 15 years.

Edin expressed her excitement to continue in the role for another year, stressing BCSD Turkey’s efforts to make sustainability a priority for the business world. “By giving center stage to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we continue to lead the way in sustainability for institutions and companies in many different sectors,” she said, pointing to the spike in membership as proof of just how important this vision has become for Turkish businesses.
Edin paused to put the focus on young people and their expectations of the business community for the future. “We wanted to do something different at this year’s general assembly by making our first commitment to young people. We listened to them and found that the next generation is more responsible, aware and determined.”
In the coming year, Generation Z will make up 38 percent of the workforce and 40 percent of all consumers worldwide. “In order for the business sector to meet their high expectations, it must address their sustainable development concerns to avoid falling behind the competition,” she maintained. These concerns include new business models, shaped by more responsible production and consumption methods; climate change and a low-carbon economy; and perhaps most significantly, the importance of cooperation.
She also discussed governance issues, informing of the addition of new members to the organization’s Board of Directors. “The new Board members come from many different sectors and join a Board that will prioritize diversity and inclusiveness in the upcoming period,” also adding: “We are pleased to say that there is once again a balance between men and women on the Board of Directors this year.”
Finally, she concluded by inviting all companies in attendance to join BCSD Turkey.