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Digital banking 23 Mar 2018

Garanti Bank reaps the benefits of digital banking

Garanti Bank has pioneered the digitalization process in the banking sector in Turkey over the past 20 years and its efforts as a stand-out player in this field have been widely recognized internationally. Garanti continues to lead digital banking growth through its investment in  multi-channel technology, the fruit of which is seen in its excellent customer experience track record.

Garanti Bank currently has 6.2 million active digital customers and 5.4 million mobile clients, with 95% of non-cash transactions made through digital channels.

Since it started out on this journey 20 years ago, Garanti has received a string of  digital banking awards by independent institituons, the most recent of which include:

  • Garanti was named “Best Digital Bank of Turkey” by World Finance. The same prominent business and finance platform also chose Garanti Mobile as the “Best Mobile Banking App in Turkey.”
  • Garanti Internet occupied the second spot in the rankings after BBVA in Forrester’s 2017 European Online Banking Functionality Benchmark.
  • Garanti Mobile has been named as the most popular mobile bank in Turkey by Mediacat Lovemark Research.

Didem Dinçer Başer, Garanti Bank’s Executive Vice President for Digital Banking, said: “We are delighted by the recognition we have received on a global level, which acts as an additional spur to further enhance the service we provide to our customers. These awards are the natural outcome of our efforts and focus on digitalization for 20 years. Garanti has always been a pioneer in its investments in digital banking in the Turkish banking sector and  continues to lead the way. This is reflected in Garanti’s growth path and explains its status as the model to follow in the digital banking sector in Turkey”.

“The golden rule lies in great user experience by meeting customer needs. Our outstanding technological infrastructure, our focused dedication to superior customer experience, our rich product range and our internet and mobile banking channels, capable of offering almost all of the services offered by a physical branch, enable us to focus on continuing to make the lives of our customers easier,” Başer added