Functions you need to know to get the best out of LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the most used professional network in the world. It currently has more than 500 users, of which 106 million are active monthly users. It can therefore be difficult to stand out from the large number of professionals out there. Like any social network there are some things you should know to get the best out of it.

It would not be off the mark to say LinkedIn has become a stand-out channel for professionals to get to know each other in the same way that companies carry out branding or marketing strategies. In fact, 58% of ‘business-to-business’ organizations use the platform for content marketing.
The platform allows professionals to create their own personal brand. This task is not normally easy and can invite errors. To make the right use of the network and to establish good working relations you need to bear in mind a series of configuration options and functions.
- Choose carefully who can mention your account. If you receive too many unwanted mention alerts in publications, or simply do not wish to take part in all conversations, there is an option to limit this. Go to Me → Account → Mention by others. There you can choose ’yes’ (to allow other members to mention you) or ‘no’ (if you don´t want mentions).
Bear in mind that if you say ‘no’ this will apply to future postings. Elimination of previous postings or comments has to be done one by one. To do so, go to the posting itself, click on the options above on the right in the post and in the drop-down menu choose ‘remove mention‘.
The name of the person mentioned appears in the post but is not linked to the corresponding profile. The author of the mention receives no alert on its removal and will receive no further alerts in exchanges in the post.
- Personalize relevant content: To improve your experience of the platform you are advised to personalize your feed, choosing content that is relevant to the user. That is, only posts that are useful are seen. To do so, go to Me → Account → Feed preferences. Here, you can choose the most interesting people or subjects to follow.
This section also allows you to see the number of fans the account has and how many people follow it. You can also cease to follow any individual or company. The more people of little interest follow, fewer posts of scant interest appear. That is, you can’t control what other people publish, but you can prioritize what you see.
- Active status in LinkedIn: This is a relatively new function that can be used in a chat. This is a more direct way of interacting with other users in real time. Go to Me → Privacy → Manage active status. If you choose to show your active status, you can also see which connections are active. This is conveyed by circles; solid green dot (person is active); green ring (person is not on LinkedIn but can receive notices); without circle (the contact is not active in LinkedIn or has switched off the active status function). This option, therefore, allows real-time communication.
– Managing notifications: This is another section that allows adjustments to the individual user’s liking. Go to Me → Settings → Communications → Notifications and select the type of relation you want with people. You can disable notifications for birthdays, new jobs, job anniversaries etc. The notifications you can have are on: invitations and messages; jobs and opportunities; news and articles; updates about you and your network and updates from your groups. It is a question of dedicating some time to adapt it to what you want to know about followers.
These simple adjustments will not only improve your experience of the app. They are also necessary to get the best out of LinkedIn and be much more productive. Everyone is in charge of their own account and it is up to you to decide who follows you, who you see connected and with whom you have a relation... The platform allows this.
BBVA in search of digital transformation talent
With the aim of advancing in the area of digital transformation, BBVA has set its sights on attracting, training and winning the loyalty of talent to its team.
As part of its global strategy, BBVA’s presence in LinkedIn as a main platform for talent is essential in showcasing its brand as an employer. As a result, to keep up to date on career opportunities, to access interesting content that could help in your professional life and to know what it is like to work at BBVA, we recommend you follow us in LinkedIn.