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Francisco González: ''The delivery of products and solutions is going to be explosive in the coming years''

A few minutes before BBVA’s Annual General Meeting, held today in Bilbao, Francisco González met with reporters and shared his insights into BBVA’s evolution in 2016. He also pondered the economic situation, and analyzed the role of Spain in the global context.

BBVA’s Executive Chairman underscored that BBVA posted an excellent set of results for 2016, making it a leader in the technological transformation of the banking sector.

“This is something our customers appreciate. In our key markets and among our peer group, we are already the most recommended bank. And this is just the beginning because the delivery of products and solutions is going to be explosive in the coming years,” he said.

Regarding Spain, Francisco González noted: “The Spanish economy is currently doing quite well, growing 2.7% this year. But the unemployment rate is still very high and we need to keep working to lower that number. So, we need to remain vigilant and continue with the reforms.”

To conclude, Francisco González pointed out that “Europe is at a critical juncture right now. Spain is a country with great prestige in the world and particularly in Europe, and it now has the opportunity to lead and move forward with the construction of the great European project.”