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New technologies have transformed the financial sector based on integrating systems that learn for themselves while processing millions of pieces of data. BBVA has pioneered the use of automated systems such as bots to enhance customer experience.

Technically, big data is no different than any other data, there’s just more of it. After all, gathering data is nothing new. We all have birth certificates, marriage licenses, insurance cards, and our grandparents had those same things decades ago… even without computers. The difference today is the sheer volume of data and the ways that data can be collected and analyzed.

BBVA enables customers to manage security levels on their smartphones from a single point in the app. Users can configure the “security area” from the menu, and they can disable functionality for all their accounts and contracted products or even hide them from view. This is how BBVA Spain’s app, recently recognized for the second year in a row by Forrester Research as the best in Europe, has become a veritable remote control for mobile customers. Users can configure all the app's permission settings and enable travel mode.