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BBVA, in collaboration with Wave, conducted the first pilot that uses blockchain to automate the electronic submission of documents in an import-export transaction between Europe and Latin America.  Thanks to Wave’s solution, which uses Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and blockchain, BBVA was able to reduce the time required to send, verify and authorize an international trade transaction, which normally takes from seven to ten days, to just 2.5 hours.

The APIfication phenomenon is by no means restricted to the banking sector. At the API Forum held this week in Madrid, insurance and entertainment companies participated, together with BBVA, to discuss the keys to designing APIs capable of attracting developers.

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology enables wireless communication between two electronic devices that are close to each other. This form of data exchange is not new – it first began to be used in 2002, although it wasn’t until 2016 and 2017 that many brands, banks and organizations included it in their business models. This has led to major advances in contactless and mobile payment methods, based on this technology.

This isn’t an article about magic or a secret trick for using cell phones. It’s simply about using the voice assistants that any mobile device contains: Siri for Apple and the popular “OK Google” for Android. Both allow users to send messages while leaving the smartphone on the table, untouched.

“Sandbox” is one of the most common words in the fintech universe. In the financial industry, the term refers to a mechanism for developing regulation that keeps up with the fast pace of innovation.