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Incorporating blockchain into the development of smart cities will make it possible to have a cross-cutting platform that connects the cities’ different services, adding greater transparency and security to all processes. In this new #BlockchainRevolution article, Stefan Junestrand explains how this technology can improve government management, support urban planning, underpin the collaborative economy and contribute to sustainability policies, in the framework of smart cities.

Head down, fingers tapping, mind far away.

In the age of the smartphone, this is the scene played out everywhere you look. And you won’t stop seeing it anytime soon, as according to a November 2016 Pew Research Center survey, roughly three-quarters of Americans now own the multi-purpose digital device. All of which is why it’s curious that there continues to be misconceptions about using the computer in your pocket for banking.

Vacationing is easier with a smartphone at hand and a handful of essential apps for the beach, the mountain or the city. Whether to save on fuel, park in the shade or find the nearest public restroom, a millennial’s vacation wouldn’t be the same without a bit of digital help.

As the finance sector’s interest in creating blockchain-based products grows, so does the demand for professionals with the right skills for capitalizing on this exponential technology.  Just as occurred at the time with software developers, right now the demand exceeds the supply.

You’ve lost your wallet. You start to panic, thinking about the debit and credit cards it contains. The panic slowly starts  turning to dread knowing how much time you’ll spend trying to rectify the situation.

BBVA and Google today announced the launch of Android Pay in Spain. This payment system will allow BBVA customers to use their Visa and MasterCard cards, in order to pay with their mobile phones. Android Pay will be operational in the more than one million businesses in Spain with contactless technology. BBVA is the first bank to give its customers the possibility of paying with Android Pay in Spain.

Blockchain has allowed the creation of a new business concept with automated management, in which benefits are distributed in a systematized manner among partners, who don’t even have to know each other.  Cristina Carrascosa reveals the advantages of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization in this new installment of #RevolucionBlockchain.

The future of mobile banking will come down to user experience, personalization and how, in the future, banks will create new sources of value for customers through digital partnerships, according to Forrester Research analyst Aurélie L’Hostis.

BBVA has the best mobile banking app in the world, according to Forrester Research’s latest report “2017 Global Mobile Banking Benchmark.” The study, which was published today, analyzed 53 apps from large retail banks in 18 countries, including the U.S., the U.K., France, Brazil, Turkey, China and Australia.