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Age makes a difference – a big one – when it comes to downloading apps. Centennials prefer Snapchat, Instagram and Vine. Millennials like Tinder and Soundcloud. Generation X looks for apps to watch movies and for travel. And baby boomers? They prefer apps to monitor their health.

It´s still too early to measure the implications of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. The fusion of technologies has begun to erase the lines dividing the physical, digital and biological worlds. Elena Alfaro of BBVA explains how the success of digital companies is based on how they use data to create and improve services.

Since its inception in 2009, the BBVA Compass Mobile Banking app has been nationally recognized for its functionality and user experience, adding a series of awards to its wall of digital achievements and achieving milestones that have raised the mobile banking standard.

The British fintech firm, Bud, was one of the companies the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) invited to participate in the first 'regulatory sandbox'. Jamie Campbell shared his experience in the regulation seminar organized by BBVA Bancomer and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).