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Banking Updated: 29 Dec 2015

Financial risk management: 5,000 certifications

How does a major bank prepare for proper measurement of risks? In the case of BBVA, training is an essential part of the process. 5,000 employees have obtained a risk management training certificate over the last twelve months. The BBVA target: to increase this number.

BBVA favors a solid model where the principles of prudence, anticipation and diversification are essential factors. As part of this policy, one key feature that has associated BBVA with proper risk management is the dissemination of risk culture among its employees. How? Through rapid internal communication and training of employees, and not just employees working in the Risk division.

certificacion-riesgos bbva

Financial risk management training: a global initiative

BBVA feels training is an essential component of progress in the development of a proper internal risk culture. So it was that a year ago BBVA Global Risk Management (GRM) - a function accounting for some 5,000 Group employees worldwide - launched a specific training program as part of the Risk Culture project. This is known as Global Risk Certification.

BBVA GRM provides a wide range of training with the assistance of the Training division, through the BBVA Campus, worldwide. The program has a number of courses leading to Global Risk Certification at both global and local level.

It is a transversal project targeting all bank employees, and not only those working in the risk division, to enable standard knowledge to be obtained and accredited across the Group, irrespective of the country or division.

The initiative was very much appreciated. In September this year, eleven months after the scheme was introduced, BBVA issued its 5,000th certification – to Martha Laura García Rendón in Mexico, who has been working at BBVA Bancomer for 18 years, after completing an Intermediate Retail Credit Risk course.

Management of operational risk and credit risk: looking to the future

The courses assist with training in risk, serve as backup to functions and facilitate professional development, as the certifications are added to each employee's record. At the present time they encompass management of operational risk and credit risk, in both wholesale and retail business.

In September this year, eleven months after the scheme was introduced, BBVA issued its 5,000th certification

A project undergoing constant transformation
After a satisfactory internal reception (enrolment of over 15,000 employees), the bank hopes to launch new certifications in the near future.

Today's complex environment and regulatory changes compel banks to update their offer of training to ensure their employees have the necessary knowledge and contents adapted to internal and external needs that are constantly changing.